AHA-Project (Attacksurface Host Analyzer Project) is a suite of tools that allow for scanning a host, display its processes. Processes are displayed with their interconnections, and security information about each process such as support for Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), No Execute bit (NX or DEP), and others.

AHA-Project consists of two halves, the AHA-Scraper component available for Linux or Windows which gathers the information, and AHA-GUI visualizer which displays the results of the scraper.

AHA-Scraper Screenshot:

AHA-GUI Screenshot:

AHA-Project Overview Video:

Documentation for the AHA-Project:

AHA-Scraper Basics

Overview of AHA-Scraper features and basic usage.

AHA-GUI Basics

Overview of AHA-GUI features and basic usage.

Reducing Attack Surface

Case study of how to use AHA-Project to decrease vulnerable attack surface.